Erin's Intro

   Ah my first blog post…something I have talked about doing since losing Justin almost 2 years ago. Typing out 2 years is a surreal feeling, as sometimes it seems like yesterday and other days it feels like an eternity ago. Krissy and I said we would just do a brief intro for our first blog post so I am going to do my best to keep it brief.

       Justin was the person I dreamed of marrying as a child, literally. We had known each other since the age of 6. He moved to Alabama when he was 20 and the rest was history, we’d grow old together and live happily ever after. Until the night of February 20th, 2018 when he was taken suddenly from us. Never had a chance to say goodbye. I woke up and my world was turned upside down.  These past two years have been some of the saddest and happiest times in my life. Yep I said it, I have felt happiness in the midst of such heart break. There was a time I was ashamed to admit it. I’m a widow right? Black veil and no smile is the only way? I decided against that.

       After losing Justin, my world was completely upside down, I remember driving in my car frequently, not sure if I was coming or going. I had never felt so lost in my life. What do you do when the person you’d promised forever with is gone in the blink of an eye? I wasn’t exactly sure but I knew I had to figure it out, I had a big brown eyed 14 month old that depended on me. Even on the days I wanted to just lay in bed and cry, I hardly had the option since my little Taylor man was up and at it at 5am. We were going to figure this out.

         I remember very specifically praying to God, “ Please don’t send me anyone else ,  don’t complicate things any more than they already are”. And then one day my phone rang, it was a deputy named Lucas  that had a few friends that had put on a fundraiser for me. There’s so much more to this story but I will save it for another day. Long story short is,  he was meant for me, and for Taylor, and this crazy roller coaster of emotions of our life after loss. We got married in April 2019 and God has proven to me over and over again that some of his greatest gifts truly are unanswered prayers.

This blog will be stories of my life with Justin, Lucas and Taylor and my journey of navigating being a widow, a wife, and a mama.

Until Next Time!-EBB
